Feral and the Ghost Skater: DAMAGED

Digital Download PDF

Click on the button above to view in browser, or "right click/save as" to download. File is big, so be patient.

Password protected: you will need the password to open/download

I'll e-mail you the password A.S.A.P. after purchase. If you haven't received your password within 12 hours it means I have somehow missed the notification of your purchase! Any issues/problems can be directed to dave @ dogspunk dot com (take out the spaces and replace the word dot with a period).

Also please note that PayPal may charge a small shipping fee. The only work around this currently is for me to refund that fee, which I will do at the time I send the password. Once I have multiple downloads to offer I will either learn the "listener" code to make these proprer digital purchase buttons (it's complicated... thanks PayPal!), or I will engage a 3rd party service. Thanks for your patience!

you can check out an unpolished version on my Patreon page (un-tweaked art version)